在Pixel 3 XL上,开发者选项将让您能够隐藏屏幕凹口。(pixel3xda)(pixel3a)

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在Pixel 3 XL上,开发者选项将让您能够隐藏屏幕凹口。(pixel3xda)(pixel3a)-第1张图片-谷歌商店上架

Love it or hate it, the era of the notched phone has undeniably arrived. If you desire top-tier smartphones, there's truly only one option: embrace the notch. Well, unless you opt for a Pixel 3 XL, that is.

无论我们是否喜欢,现在已经进入了“缺口电话”的时代。如果您想要拥有最顶尖的手机,只有一个选择:接受这个事实。除非您拥有Pixel 3 XL,否则就是如此。

Android has a concealed menu known as Developer Options, primarily designed for developers. However, there are also numerous fascinating adjustments available for non-developers. For instance, users can enhance the speed of transition animations to create a faster and more responsive phone experience.


The Pixel 3 XL’s flavor of stock Android has a unique feature tucked away in its Dev Options menu: the ability to modify—or even hide—the notch. As highlighted by Joshua Topolsky on Twitter, the option to modify the notch in interesting ways is a new addition only on the Pixel 3 XL:

“ Pixel 3 XL拥有原生Android的特色,其‘开发选项’菜单中包含一项独特功能:可以修改甚至隐藏该凹口。正如Joshua Topolsky在Twitter上所强调的那样,以有趣的方式修改凹口是Pixel 3 XL独有的新增功能。”

The most outstanding attribute of the latest device pic.twitter.com/hkD99JFLWb


October 10, 2018 - Joshua Topolsky (@joshuatopolsky)

2018年10月10日,Joshua Topolsky(@joshuatopolsky)发表了以下言论:

As highlighted by Mishaal Rahman on Twitter, when the hide option is activated, the Pixel 3 XL seamlessly transforms into a Pixel 2 XL.

正如Twitter上的Mishaal Rahman指出的那样,启用“隐藏”选项后,Pixel 3 XL实际上变成了Pixel 2 XL:

As numerous inquiries have been made, we present a visual representation of the concealed notch on the Pixel 3 XL when utilizing the pre-installed Developer Option.

由于许多人询问过,以下是在Pixel 3 XL上使用内置的开发者选项时隐藏刘海的外观。

Left: Pixel 2 XL. Right: Pixel 3 XL.

左边是Pixel 2 XL,右边则是Pixel 3 XL。

就像 @joshuatopolsky 所说的那样,它基本上变成了一台 Pixel 2 XL。pic.twitter.com/vq677xXGyK

正如Joshua Topolsky所指出的那样,它实际上就是Pixel 2 XL。 pic.twitter.com/vq677xXGyK

Mishaal Rahman (@MishaalRahman) shared this insightful tweet on October 10, 2018.

Mishaal Rahman (@MishaalRahman) on October 10, 2018

So here's the deal—if you're a fan of the Pixel 3 XL but not quite ready to embrace the #notchlife, don't worry. There is an alternative. While we can't guarantee its availability indefinitely, it's currently an option worth considering.

因此,如果您使用的是Pixel 3 XL手机,但还不想体验#notchlife,那么您可以选择使用它。我们无法保证它将一直可用,但至少目前来看,它是可用的。

来源:https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/developer-options-on-the-pixel-3-xl-will-let-you-hide-the-notch/ 根据消息来源,Pixel 3 XL的开发者选项将允许用户隐藏刘海。

标签: 谷歌商店上架 选项 开发者

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