英文原文:https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-dataflow/ 改写后:点击此处查看Spring Cloud Data Flow的英文原文链接:https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-dataflow/
Table of Contents
Spring Cloud数据流
构建Spring Data Flow
Success Stories of Our Valued Customers
Spring Cloud数据流
Spring Cloud Data Flow是一个用于构建数据集成和实时数据处理管道的工具包。该管道由使用Spring Cloud Stream或Spring Cloud Task微服务框架构建的多个Spring Boot应用程序组成。这使得Spring Cloud Data Flow适用于各种数据处理用例,包括导入/导出、事件流和预测分析等。
Spring Cloud Data Flow服务器使用Spring Cloud Deployer将数据管道部署到现代运行时,如Cloud Foundry和Kubernetes。预构建的一系列流和任务/批处理启动器应用程序适用于各种数据集成和处理场景,可供学习和实验使用。您可以使用熟悉的Spring Boot样式编程模型来构建自定义流和任务应用程序,以适配不同的中间件或数据服务。通过简单的流管道DSL,您可以轻松指定要部署的应用程序以及如何连接输出和输入。在v1.2版本中还新增了一个新的组合任务DSL。仪表板提供了对部署情况、性能指标等信息进行监控与管理。
- Spring Cloud Data Flow for HashiCorp Nomad
- Spring Cloud Data Flow for Red Hat OpenShift
- Spring Cloud Data Flow for Apache Mesos
以下是改写后的文案: 第一步 - 入门有两种方式。最快的方法是下载Spring Cloud Data Flow Local-Server的Docker Compose工件。对于Mac用户,可以使用'curl -O'替代'wget'命令来进行下载。
请执行以下步骤来启动SCDF系统: 1. 使用wget命令下载docker-compose.yml文件,命令如下: ``` wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow/v1.7.3.RELEASE/spring-cloud-dataflow-server-local/docker-compose.yml ``` 2. 从您下载的docker-compose.yml文件所在的目录中启动SCDF系统。改写后的文案如下: 执行以下步骤来部署流time| log并登录到名为'ticktock'的仪表板: 1. 运行命令 'DATAFLOW_VERSION=1.7.3.RELEASE docker-compose up' 来启动服务。 2. 在浏览器中打开 http://localhost:9393/dashboard,进入仪表板。 3. 在“Streams”选项卡下,点击“Create Stream(s)”来定义和部署流time| log。 4. 使用名称'ticktock'进行登录。
第5步 - 为了验证已经部署的流程和结果,请从仪表板中复制“stdout”文本框中显示的路径。然后在另一个终端控制台中输入:
docker exec -it dataflow-server tail -f <COPIED-STDOUT-PATH>
构建Spring Data Flow
Spring Cloud Data Flow基于多个项目构建,生态系统的顶级构建块列在以下可视化表示中。 每个项目代表一个核心功能,它们是孤立地发展的,具有单独的发布节奏 - 按照链接查找有关每个项目的更多详细信息。
本地服务器的Spring Cloud Data Flow
Spring Cloud Data Flow for Cloud Foundry Server
Kubernetes服务器的Spring Cloud数据流
Spring Cloud Data Flow Apache Yarn Server
Spring Cloud Data Flow for Apache Mesos Server
REST-APIs / Shell / DSL 是三种常用的技术,它们在软件开发中起着重要的作用。
Spring Flo - Experience the Freshness of Spring
Spring Cloud Data Flow Metrics Collector
核心部分 - Spring Cloud Data Flow
↓ Applications ↓
Spring Cloud Deployer - 服务提供商接口(SPI)
↑ 实施 ↑
Spring Cloud Deployer Local
Spring Cloud Deployer for Cloud Foundry
Kubernetes Deployment with Spring Cloud Deployer
Spring Cloud Deployer Yarn is a cutting-edge solution for deploying applications on the Yarn platform.
Spring Cloud Deployer for Mesos
Spring Cloud Stream is a powerful framework for building event-driven microservices.App Starters
Spring Cloud TaskApp Starters can be rewritten as Starters for Spring Cloud TaskApplications.
Spring Cloud Stream is a powerful framework for building event-driven microservices.
Spring Cloud Task
↓ Applications ↓
Spring Integration is a comprehensive framework that seamlessly integrates various components and systems within an application, providing a streamlined and efficient solution for communication and data exchange.
Spring Boot is a powerful framework that simplifies the development of Java applications.
- Twitter Analytics
- Predictive Analytics
- HTTP -> Cassandra
- HTTP -> Gemfire
- Functions in SCDF
Projects of Interest
- Spring Cloud Stream
- Spring Cloud Stream is a powerful framework for building event-driven microservices.Applications
- Spring Cloud Task
- Spring Cloud TaskApplications
- Spring Cloud Skipper
Success Stories of Our Valued Customers
- Latency Tracing with SCDF
- Batch Processing with SCDF
- Low Latency Event-Driven ETL
- Domain Driven Design with Spring Cloud Stream
- Twitter Sentiment Analytics with TensorFlow
- Data Microservices with Spring Cloud Data Flow
- Data Microservices in the Cloud
- Cloud Native Streaming and Event-Driven Microservices
- Data Microservices with Spring Cloud Stream, Task, and Spring Cloud Data Flow